Euronoise is the European Conference and Exhibition on Noise Control organised by a national acoustical society on behalf of the European Acoustics Association (EAA).
Next year EURONOISE 2018 will be held from 27 to 31 may in Heraklion, Greece.
The paper submission system for EURONOISE 2018 is now open.
As you know, EURONOISE 2018 is the major Conference on acoustics sponsored by the European Acoustics Association (EAA) in 2018 and covers a broad range of subjects related to acoustics. It is organized by the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics (HELINA) on behalf of EAA.
For information on the Conference and the paper submission system please visit the Conference web-site www.euronoise2018.eu. Please note that in order to submit a paper and manage your submission and later your registration to the Conference you need to get an account. This can be done through the Conference web-page. The link is http://www.euronoise2018.eu/index.php/authors-area
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